Profit Flow System™

Experience the full power of Confluence Marketing io Software with our state-of-the-art systems!

From lead generation to sales funnel automations, our systems will give you a competitive advantage and set you apart from the competition

10x Unique Systems

Each designed to optimize your business operations and maximise profits through smart automations and AI

There are 10 different modules that handle different aspects of your sales and marketing and are implemented gradually over time to allow for more effective implementation and cashflow management.

Each system can be installed and configured inside your Confluence Marketing io Software account as a standalone fully automated system designed to handle different aspects of your business to further optimize your operations and maximize profits.

  • Essential Business Marketing System™

  • Appointment Booking System™

  • Reputation Management System™

  • Referral Marketing System™

  • Repeat Business System™

  • Sales Conversion System™

  • Lead Generating System™

  • Lead Nurture System™

  • Sales Optimizing System™

  • Ads Optimizing System™

We’ve Got You Covered

Lead Generation

Social media Ads, Google ads or totally free lead gen strategies; we have the tried & proven know-how to get you qualified leads that convert.

Social Media Management

Managing your socials doesn't have to be overwhelming. Save time on scheduling content and responding to comments and messages.

Content Creation

Whether you need blog posts, website copy, or social media updates, we can help you stand out from the pack and attract more customers.

Sales Funnels

We specialise in creating a custom funnels that fits your unique needs and helps you convert more leads into customers.

Reputation Management

With our Review Request System™, we can help you build a positive online presence and ensure that your customers see you as the best option.

SMS Marketing

Incredibly effective way to reach new customers, increase loyalty among current customers, and drive more sales at low cost. When done right.

Website Development

We'll work with you to create a website that reflects your unique brand and that will help you stand out from the competition.

Email Marketing

We'll help you create eye-catching emails that will grab your readers' attention, and turn it into action in form of more replies and sales.

Essential Marketing System™

Streamline your sales and marketing efforts with the Essential Business Marketing System™

Capture leads from various channels, automate processes, and ensure good inbox deliverability. Keep track of messages from Facebook, Instagram, and your website. Easily manage email subscriptions and preferences. Organize all leads in one place and stay up-to-date with an automated email list.

Appointment Booking System™

Fully automated, AI Powered System that handles bookings, sends reminders, manages no shows / cancellations using smart AI for both visits to the client as well as over a Zoom

There are a total of 10 different types of events and each comes with its dedicated funnel as well as a fully automated workflow for managing confirmations, reminders and post-appointment follow-up emails promoting the 'Next Best Call To Action'.

Reputation Management System™

An automated marketing system for local small businesses to improve brand reputation, sales conversion, customer retention, and inbound leads.

Automate customer feedback requests, Google review requests, sophisticated review replies using AI automatic posting of 5 star reviews on your social media (including a fancy auto generated graphic) and easy way for your customers to share their reviews on their social using a convenient share button.

It's a game-changer for enhancing your online reputation effortlessly.

Here's how the Profit Roadmap works:

First, we will help you create fast impact by levelling up key business marketing functions by focusing on improving your business with the first 3 systems:

  1. Essential Business Marketing System™

  2. Appointment Booking System™

  3. Reputation Management System™

The idea is simple...

when business reputation is great, cost of sale goes down and there is less friction having to attract new customers..

...Typically around the 3 month mark, each system is fully setup, you and your team are fully onboarded and your business is significantly improved in it's ability to manage it's lead generation and customer relationship. At this stage your business will be noticing the following benefits:

  • Easy way for building an email list with automated Newsletter Sign Up Funnel, smart automations are keeping the list healthy

  • You is able to capture all leads and start making more sales

  • All inbound lead channels are consolidated and enquiries are no longer being missed (everything can be found in one nice pipeline of opportunities)

  • You now have deeper insights into each contact in the CRM... whether they are engaging more on email or sms, what sources generate more leads and more

  • There is a fully automated appointment system that handles bookings, reminders, no-shows and cancellations ➝ saving your business A LOT of time, whilst increasing show up rate and # of new sales appointments!

  • You are now generating feedback from customers (very valuable for any business looking to grow) and you have an automated way for requesting online reviews, and generating responses (using smart AI).

...At this point we will advise you to start generating more content for social media, write regular articles and send out regular newsletters via email.

Hint: We will train you (or anyone on your team) on how to use the AI content generator tools inside the

Confluence Marketing io Software

This will help not only increase your online presence, reach and engagement but also increase number of inbound organic enquiries and website traffic.

Another big reason we want to get you into the habit of creating content is that in month 10, we will encourage you to start implementing our signature Lead Nurture System™, all those articles and videos will become super handy when developing all the re-marketing campaigns! ... more on that later...

In around month 4 we look at how to help you start generating even more new leads at no cost by installing a robust and fully automated Referral Marketing System™

And at month 5 we look at how to make you even more money (still no dime spent on Ads) with our 'Repeat Business System™' ... which helps you increase you customer's lifetime value, order amounts and repeat purchases... not to mention improving retention...

  • At this point your business is more predictable at generating leads, reputation continues to improve and everything starts to be more and more automated! ... in other words you are lot more efficient with sales and marketing!

But we don't stop we will start to look at more automated ways to help you make even more sales by setting up the 'Sales Conversion System™' - basically a bunch of fancy sales funnels powered by a bunch of super dialed in automations to help you follow up those that abandon the sales.

Now we are closing on month 6 and it's time to boost lead gen to those new funnels, right?

Wrong!... There is nothing worse then running a paid ad to generate leads if you don't have a system in place to help you convert them... that's a sure fire way for wasting money... and no.. we're not talking about those Sales funnels we built in month 6... they're only good if you have people who are ready to buy now... that's about 5% of your traffic (or even less.)

The rest.. those 95% are either in awareness stage, considering about doing something or totally unaware of their problem...

This is where true marketing and re-marketing magic comes in!

Now we need to implement some solid 'Nurturing' ... meet people where they are... educate them, provide value and plant the seeds in their heads...

Just like a garden.. you must water the plants with care before you can harvest...

It's no different with an email list...

Here's what we do:

... first (at around month 8) we install the next system called 'Lead Generating System™'... this one is basically bunch of awesome lead magnet funnels (e-book downloads, below $50 offers, Infographics etc ... 'candies' to attract people who are on your list to keep them engaged (or to entice new people to get on the list)...

Once you have those different lead magnet offers dialed in and funnels fully automated... we will help you set up the next system ... one that helps you nurture more leads.

... It's called the Lead Nurture System™ and it's all about content re-marketing... there are 2 main campaigns here... the 'First 14 Days Nurture' (to quickly build trust with new leads) ... and the '12-24 months Nurture' ... for those that need more time to decide (aka 'watering the plant' analogy)...

It's the 12 months re-marketing email campaign that has a lot of work because every email, video, blog article needs to be created in a way that resonates with your target market and matched to their unique 'buyer journey stage'

...educational bits for those that are in unaware stage

...problem solving content for those that are aware of their problem and looking for ways how to solve it

... special offers, webinars, demo calls etc for those that are considering doing something about their problem,

and lastly ... comparisons, product guides and pricing pages for those that deciding to buy and solve their problem...

That's Lead Generation 101 really...

The best thing about the Lead Nurture System™ is that once it is set in place and the automations are activated, the system becomes even more automated and your lead to prospect conversion rater tends to increase dramatically!

And when that is dialed in, you have leverage. And with leverage you are ready to scale your business growth to 10x! with the final 2 bits of the puzzle.

In order to streamline sales outreach even further, we plug in the Sales Optimizing System™. This system leverages all of the engagement data like trigger link clicks, opt-ins and more. We assign a 'score' point to every single touchpoint.

There are 4 functions in the Sales Optimizing System™. These are...

1) Lead Scoring

2) Lead Grading

3) Lead Rating

4) Lead Qualification

Together, these scores are designed to help you predict which CRM contacts are 'Hot Leads' so that the sales reps become more effective in in their follow ups.

Ads Optimizing System™ is the final piece of the puzzle. It pushes data from your Confluence Marketing io Software

account into your Meta (FB Ad Account) and your Google Ad Account to keep your Ad Audiences most up to date so that when you're running ads, you are able to retarget with laser sharp precision thus decreasing cost of advertising and increasing your ad spend ROI!

Ready To Level Up Your Sales & Marketing?


Here's how the Profit Roadmap works:

First, we will help you create fast impact by levelling up key business marketing functions by focusing on improving your business with the first 3 systems:

  1. Essential Business Marketing System™

  2. Appointment Booking System™

  3. Reputation Management System™

Essential Business Marketing System™

Appointment Booking System™

Reputation Management System™

The idea is simple...

when business reputation is great, cost of sale goes down and there is less friction having to attract new customers..

...Typically around 3 months mark each system is fully setup, you and your team are well onboarded and your business significantly improved in it's ability to manage it's sales and marketing. At this stage your business will be noticing following benefits:

  • Easy way for building an email list with automated Newsletter Sign Up Funnel, smart automations are keeping the list healthy

  • You is able to capture all leads and start making more sales

  • All inbound lead channels are consolidated and no enquiry is no longer being missed (everything in one nice pipeline of opportunities)

  • You now have deeper insights in to each contact in the CRM.. whether they are engaging more on email or sms, what sources generate more leads and more

  • There is a fully automated appointment system that handles bookings, reminders, no-shows and cancellations ➝ saving your business A LOT of time, whilst increasing show up rate and # of new sales appointments!

  • You are now generating feedback from customers (very valuable for any business looking to grow) and you have an automated way for requesting online Reviews, generating Graphic for social media and responses to review (using smart AI)... especially those dreaded 1 star ratings.

...At this point we will advise you to start generating more content for social media, write regular articles and send out once a regular newsletter via email.

hint: We will teach you (or anyone on your team) on how to use the AI content generator tools inside the

Confluence Marketing io Software

This will help not only increase your online presence, reach and engagement but also increase number of inbound organic enquiries and website traffic.

Another big reason we want you to start getting into habit of creating content is because in around month 10 when we look at implementing our signature Lead Nurture System™, all those articles and videos will become super handy at being able to develop all the re-marketing campaigns much faster! ... more on that later...

In around month 4 we look at how to help you start generating even more new leads at no cost by installing a robust and fully automated Referral Marketing System™

And at month 5 we look at how to make you even more money (still no dime spent at Ads) with our 'Repeat Business System™' ... this one helps you increase you customer's lifetime value, order amounts and increase in repeat purchases... not to mention improving retention...

  • At this point your business is more predictable at generating leads, reputation continues to improve and everything starts to be more and more automated! ... in other words you are lot more efficient with sales and marketing!

But we don't stop we will start to look at more automated way to help you make even more sales by setting up 'Sales Conversion System™' basically bunch of fancy sales funnels powered by bunch of super dialled in automations to help you follow up those that abandon the sales

Now we are closing on month 6 and it's time to boost lead gen to those new funnels.. right?

Wrong!... There is nothing worse then running a paid ad to generate leads if you don't have a system in place to help you convert them... that's a sure fire way for wasting money... and no.. we're not talking about those Sales funnels we built in month 6... they're only good if you have people who are ready to buy now... that's about 5% of your traffic (or even less.)

The rest.. those 95% are either in awareness stage, considering about doing something or totally unaware of their problem...

This is were true marketing and re-marketing magic comes in!

It's now that we need to implement some solid 'Nurturing' ... meet people where they're at.. educate them, provide value and plant the seeds in their heads...

Just like a garden.. you gotta water the plants a while before you can harvest...

It's no different with an email list...

Here's what we do:

... first (at around month 8) we install the next system called 'Lead Generating System™'.. this one is basically bunch of awesome lead magnet funnels (e-book downloads, below $50 offers, Infographics etc.. basically bunch of value packed resources ... 'candies' to attract people that are on your list to stay engaged (or to entice new people to get on the list)...

Once you have those different lead magnet offers dialled in (very unique to your business needs), setup and funnels fully automated... we then help you setup the next system ... one that helps you nurture more leads ...

... It's called Lead Nurture System™ and it's all about content re-marketing... there are 2 main campaigns here... the 'First 14 Days Nurture' (to quickly build like and trust with new leads and get some sales) ... and the '12-24 months Nurture' ... for those that need more time to decide (aka 'watering the plant' analogy)...

It's the 12 months re-marketing email campaign that has a lot of work because .. basically every email, video, blog article all needs to be created in a way that resonates with your target market.. not only that but also matched to their unique 'buyer journey stage'...

...educational bits for those that are in unaware stage

...problem solving content for those that are aware of their problem and looking for ways how to solve it

... special offers, webinars, demo calls etc for those that are considering doing something about their problem,

and lastly ... comparisons, product guides and pricing pages for those that deciding to buy and solve their problem...

That's marketing one one one really...

The best thing about the Lead Nurture System™ is that once it's set in place and automations are switched on, marketing becomes even more automated and lead to prospect conversion tends to increase dramatically!

And when that is dialled in, you have leverage... and with leverage you're ready to scale your business growth to 10x! with the final 2 bits of the puzzle.

In order to streamline sales outreach even further we plug in the Sales Optimising System™ . It's a system we've developed that is able to leverage on all of the engagement data like trigger link clicks, opt-ins and more... we than assign a 'score' point to every single touchpoint (different value based on type of call to action the links point to...)

There are 4 functions in the Sales Optimising System™ these are Lead Scoring, Lead Grading and Lead Rating and Qualification tool called B.A.N.T. ... together they are designed to help predict which CRM contacts are most likely a 'Hot Lead' so that the sales reps become more dialled in in their follow ups.

Ads Optimising System™ is the final piece of the puzzle... it pushes data from your Confluence Marketing io Software

account into your Meta (FB Ad Account) and your Google Ad Account to keep your Ad Audiences most up to date so that when you're running ads, you are able to retarget with laser sharp precision thus decrease cost of advertising and increasing ad spend returns!

Recent Work

Canberra Martial Arts & Fitness

Lead Generation Campaign

Website Design & Development

Sales Funnel with Payment Gateway

Retargeting on Facebook and Instagram

Email and SMS Lead Qualifying Automation

Ready To Level Up Your Sales & Marketing?